Quick Tips For Ear Piercing Cares

Quick Tips For Ear Piercing Cares

Oct 22nd 2023


  • Pay attention to common infection symptoms in your ear piercing: redness, pain, fever, fluid discharge, swelling, or softening around the piercing area.
  • Maintain proper hygiene by cleaning the piercing with salt water or an antibacterial solution and applying an antibacterial cream or ointment.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if complications arise, such as a stuck earring, worsening swelling, redness, fever, or substance discharge, as untreated infections can potentially spread.

Ear piercings are a popular and timeless form of self-expression. Whether you opt for a classic lobe piercing or something more unique like a cartilage or helix piercing, it's essential to take proper care of your new piercing to ensure it heals safely and without complications. Cleaning your new ear piercing is a crucial part of this process. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to keep your piercing clean and healthy, and we'll provide additional tips to make the healing process as comfortable as possible.

What To Know Before You Get Your Ears Pierced

Before you decide to get your ears pierced, there are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Choose a Professional: It's crucial to have your ears pierced by a professional piercer who uses sterile equipment and follows strict hygiene procedures.
  • Jewelry Selection: Select high-quality jewelry made from materials like surgical stainless steel, titanium, or hypoallergenic materials. Avoid nickel or other allergenic metals.
  • Healing Time: Understand that different types of ear piercings have varying healing times. Lobe piercings typically heal faster than cartilage piercings, for example.
  • Aftercare Commitment: Be prepared to commit to a strict aftercare routine for several weeks to ensure a safe and successful healing process.

How to clean new ear piercing

Once you've got your new ear piercing, it's essential to know how to take care of it:

  • Wash Your Hands: Always wash your hands before touching or cleaning your piercing to prevent the introduction of harmful bacteria.
  • Saline Solution: Clean your new ear piercing using a saline solution or as directed by your professional piercer.
  • Gentle Cleansing: Gently cleanse the front and back of your piercing with a soaked cotton ball or pad, being cautious not to twist or turn the jewelry.
  • Rinse and Pat Dry: Rinse the piercing with clean, warm water and pat it dry with a disposable paper towel.
  • Limit Touching: Minimize touching your piercing with dirty hands and avoid unnecessary twisting or turning of jewelry.
  • Avoid Harsh Products: Refrain from using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as these can be too harsh for your piercing.
  • Follow Aftercare Instructions: If you got your piercing at a professional studio, follow their specific aftercare instructions.

How to Treat an Infected Ear Piercing

In some cases, despite your best efforts, your piercing may become infected. Here's what to do if that happens:

  • Don't Remove Jewelry: Do not remove the jewelry, as this may trap the infection inside the piercing.
  • Consult a Professional: Seek advice from a professional piercer or a healthcare provider for proper treatment, which may include antibiotics.
  • Maintain Cleaning: Continue to clean the piercing as directed, and avoid touching it with dirty hands.

How can you tell if your piercing is infected?

Identifying an infected piercing is important for early intervention:

  • Symptoms: Look out for signs like redness, swelling, tenderness, increased pain, discharge (yellow or green), and a fever.
  • Consult a Professional: If you suspect an infection, consult a professional piercer or healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis.

When can you change out your jewelry?

Changing your jewelry too soon can disrupt the healing process. The timing varies depending on the type of piercing:

  • Lobe Piercings: You can usually change lobe earring studs after 6-8 weeks, but it's best to consult with your piercer for guidance.
  • Cartilage Piercings: Cartilage piercings may require 3-6 months to heal before changing jewelry.

Additional Tips for Ear Piercing Care and Comfort

Here are some additional tips to help with pain and discomfort when caring for your new ear piercing:

Pain Management: To alleviate pain or discomfort, you can consider using a foam pillow with holes when sleeping. These foam pillows are soft and provide the necessary support while allowing you to rest your ear without putting pressure on the new piercing.

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Avoid Sleeping on the Piercing: Try to avoid sleeping on the side with the new ear piercing, as the pressure can cause irritation and slow down the healing process.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Try to avoid sleeping on the side with the new ear piercing, as the pressure can cause irritation and slow down the healing process.

Avoid Swimming: Avoid swimming in pools, hot tubs, or natural bodies of water until your piercing is fully healed to prevent exposure to bacteria and chemicals.

Protect from Hair and Hair Products: Keep long hair away from your new ear piercing, and avoid getting hair products, such as hairspray and hair dyes, on or near the piercing.

Sun Protection: If your piercing is exposed to the sun, use sunblock to protect it from UV radiation, as this can slow down the healing process.

Consult a Piercer or Healthcare Provider: If you experience persistent pain, unusual discharge, or any other concerning symptoms, do not hesitate to consult your professional piercer or a healthcare provider for guidance.

By following these tips in addition to the cleaning and care instructions, you can help ensure a smoother healing process for your new ear piercing. Remember, patience and diligence are key to achieving the best results.


Caring for your new ear piercing is a journey filled with excitement and self-expression, but it's also a responsibility that demands patience and diligence. Proper aftercare and quality jewelry are essential for a successful healing process. Extra tips, such as using a special ear piercing pillow and sun protection, can make the journey more comfortable. Your ear piercing is a beautiful form of self-expression; by taking the right steps, it will remain a stylish addition to your look for years to come. Enjoy and wear it with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do piercing pillows really work?

Piercing pillows can provide some comfort and support during the healing process, reducing pressure and friction on the piercing. They are not essential but can be helpful in preventing irritation and promoting healing.

Is it okay to sleep on your piercing?

It's best to avoid sleeping on a new piercing, as it can cause irritation, inflammation, and slower healing. Use a clean pillowcase, a travel pillow, or adjust your sleeping position to protect the piercing while it heals.